Grainny’s 1.0 – 2013-2018
Grainny’s was born out of a very genuine need. The need to be truly nourished by as nature intended. As an avid ultra-endurance cyclist and Athlete, Manas (Manas Arvind – Founder of Grainny’s) was searching for foods to keep him going for hours and hours. Often, over 24 hrs. There hardly was anything on the shelves to keep him going. He turned to study nutrition seriously; the nuances of macro and micronutrients and their symphony in the body. This was different from the conventional pumping in of gels and bars, which only made people sick. After 2 years of study and research Grainny’s first product, the classic bar, was born in September 2013. An energy bar made without any processed ingredients. Well, that was just the beginning. The humble bar went on to be made with 100% whole, processing free, natural, vegan ingredients, most of which were even traceable to the farm/source.
Over the next couple of years, the Grainny’s bakery, which resembled more of a lab went on to create a full range of cookies, savories, sweet replacements which we could proudly and without hesitation feed a toddler, fuel an athlete, and quench hunger pangs of anyone else without guilt-tripping. Each of our product was precisely nutrition-balanced only using the choicest natural organic ingredients and without adding any supplements. Grainny’s didn’t have customers, it had fans.
On the people front, we created a unique P2P learning model, enabling local women to train and take complete accountability of the manufacturing, stores, and packaging process.
In 2018, Fit Tuber, a respected YouTuber, proclaimed Grainny’s as one of the best cookies in the country.
The same year saw us shipping to over 250 cities every month via Amazon.in and other online channels. We were working at 110% capacity and the change was on the cards.
It’s been 5 years in making, and while the production was going on at a frantic pace, Manas decided to take a step back and observe his baby. And he knew what the change looked like. Announced in October 2018, in December he hibernated the entire operation to find his next adventure and come back with Grainny’s 2.0.
He’s made the most of this time, learning deeply about nature’s design of food and nourishment. He is discovering the secrets of this energy in a way very few are able to see. For him, the forest is his teacher and his inspiration. And that’s what is leading him to Grainny’s 2.0. He is not jumping at giving a launch date, but he is very sure that 2.0 will surely be worth the wait.